5 Reasons why Agile project fail
5 Reasons why Agile project fail

5 Reasons why Agile project fail


Agile involves lot of human interaction and relies on self-organizing teams. Transforming to agile is more of a paradigm shift which encounters a lot of resistance Reward plan, and a static and prescriptive standard of work. Try to keep cross- organised uniformly and use pmo as enforcers.

Lack of collaboration in planning

If planning is done in silos and unilaterally the whole essence of Agile will be defeated and may lead to a failure.Planning should be done collaboratively by Product Owner, Team and relevant Stakeholders.

Bad Scrum Master  which uses a command and control style with the team to look faster, yet in reality slows things down. Scrum Master be a facilitator and should play the role of a servant- leader.

Do not have retrospectives or they are bad. Actions which come out get ignored or written off. Ensure that periodical retrospections are done by the team and actions are taken based on the retrospection.

Check book commitment doesntsupport organizational change management. Higher Mangement should institutionalize the culture across the organization.

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